Roden 1/72 C-123B

After some conversations with Gary at Modeler's Alliance (
I decided to reinforce the landing gear with music wire.  .050 wire was used on the main gear, drilling through the upper
bulkhead and down into the center of the wheel.  On the nose gear an .032 wire was used.  It fits into a pocket drilled partly through the cockpit floor and is glued to the back of the nose gear oleo on the back side of    
the nose gear strut.  It will be extremely difficult to see the wires once the plane is finished.  The nose weight was cast in the silicone mold, melting some lead in an old ice cream scoop used as a ladle.  Heat was
from a small propane torch.  The back of the weight was filed flush with the back of the nose bowl and when done it weighed 29 grams.  The instructions call for 20 grams.  We'll see if they are right. 

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