Hasegawa 1/48 P-40E

Kit 09086 JT86:09086

The overall zinc chromate green was applied and the instrument panel was already been painted and decaled so there was just some detail painting to do, PE belts
 on the seat, and sticking it all together.  I did the instrument panel differently on this one, instead of all decals I detail painted and drybrushed the lower half and
 put the decals on the top.  I put Future over the decal section, and when that was dry enough I painted around the dial faces with Matte Alclad II Clear.  A person
 can do a lot more with detailng these cockpits, but I find I seldom ever look there again once the model is done.  I did rub some SNJ aluminum powder into the
 rudder foot rails.  The only part of the cockpit that gave me any hassle was the tube frame that the seat runs on, it was fiddley to get in place.  I put the left side, back,
 and floor together, because I wanted the best fit there, and then the seat assembly was installed.  A little was removed from the bottom of the seat frame before upper
ends would seat properly.  Putting the seat in before either side panel will likely result in misaligned side panels.  You could also drill out the lowerseat frame holes
and  adjust it that way, not glueing the lower end until the side frames were installed, that might be easiest.  Then again, it might just be me and my kit!

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