Befriend Neighbor, Friend, Family
Trust Your feelings/instincts and
Protect Help a person in trouble to .
call for help; Be a part of
Respect Everyone involved, including
Intervene Intervene in an understanding,
non-blaming way i.e. “I’m
concerned about the yelling I
hear”, “I’ve noticed the bruises
Volunteer Learn, understand and
contribute to places that
work to decrease violence in
families and the community
- Hide an extra set of keys in a safe
place or with a trusted person
- Gather important papers together (drivers
license, passport, child’s shot records)
Keep a small amount of cash, roll of
quarters and clothing packed
- Destroy weapons or store out of
- Separate guns and bullets
that contain harmful objects
(kitchen/knives, garage/tools)
- Arrange ahead a safe place to go in
Small steps can create safety and begin
to stop the Violence Cycle!