How Does It Work?
You can participate in the STEP Yolo program for your own benefit
or for the benefit of others:
- Donate your skill or ability and "bank" your hours (one hour
of credit for one hour of effort) so that you can draw off them later
at the same rate (one hour of service received for every hour you invested)
For example, you can spend two hours helping another member
shop for groceries, then receive two hours of yardwork from a STEP Yolo
member next week.
- Donate your skill or ability and "bank" them on behalf
of your favorite charity or a family member.
For example, you can provide one hour of filing for a community
agency and credit that to your mother, who'll enjoy an hour's home visit
from a member who shares her interest in needlepoint.
The idea is to trade one skill for another... the opportunities
are limitless and all that we ask is that each member register
for the program and give us some time to find a "match" for the requested service. You can participate as often or as
infrequently as you wish, depending upon our ability to find
a suitable match or exchange of services.
You need not be affiliated with Sutter to be a member of the STEP Yolo program.
What Services Can I Exchange?
Members typically exchange such services as light home maintenance,
cooking, grocery shopping, telephone and home visitation, light
housekeeping, transportation and assistance with paperwork.
Others have volunteered to tutor or provide
professional services such as bookkeeping and computer assistance.
How Does the STEP Yolo Program Accomplish All This?
The STEP program primarily uses community volunteers and financial contributions
from the sponsoring organizations. Grants, such as the one made
available by Astra Merck for the purchase of computer software, are
also essential to STEP's success.
Volunteers at Sutter Davis Hospital staff the phone lines. With
support from other resources supplied by the City of Davis and Sutter West Medical
Group, they identify people to fill your service request or benefit from
your donation. It's what we call a "win-win" situation.
How can I Get More Information?
Call the Sutter Lifestyle Management Program in the hospital's Vaughn Resource Center at 757-5110 and we'll
help you register as a member. Or, to request a packet
of information about STEP Yolo, you may also call the City of Davis
Parks and Community Services Department at 757-5626 during regular business hours.
We look forward to our exchange with you!