AFES Network Services System Status Page 
CR 94b and CR15 access point upgrades10-23-18 The main internet trunk from AT&T went down at 3PM. AT&T is trying to diagnose the problem. Service was restored at 3:40PM. You may have to power cycle (NOT RESET) your equipment. Disconnect power to the equipment and all the lights will go off: Injectors take 2 minutes without power; routers take 30 seconds without power; switches take 1 minute without power. Call phone number 530-668-9864 if you need further assistance. Thank you for your patience during this process. 8-22-18 we have completed upgrades of the Road 15 and Road 94b (Watts) access points. We will be migrating all clients to the new radios over the next several weeks. Thank you for your patience during this process. 8-22-28 On Sept. 4, 2018 between Midnight and 6 AM ATT will performing an upgrade to equipment that might affect our customers Internet access during that period. We anticipate that any service interruptions will be brief. |