Some of the following museums might be of interest.
Leland Stanford Mansion State Historic Park
8th and N Streets, Sacramento
(916) 324-0575
After a 14-year, $22 million restoration and rehabilitation, the Mansion is now open to the public as a museum. It also serves the citizens of California as the state’s official reception center for leaders from around the world. It is a stunning example of the splendor and elegance of the Victorian era in California.
Aerospace Museum of California
5934 Price Avenue
(916) 643-3192
West off Watt Avenue onto Freedom Park Drive to museum on left.  Formerly known as McClellan Aviation Museum, the Museum has over 30 military and civilian aircraft and a state-of-the-art Aviation Learning Center. Gift shop with aviation theme items.
California Foundry History Institute
5301 Price Avenue, McClellan Park
916-929-8001, 916-933-3062
Enter at Peacekeeper Way off Watt Avenue. Located at the Technikon facility.  Foundries melt metal to make fire hydrants, water pipes, car engines... so come ring a trolley bell, work a water valve, see fascinating castings as well as film and photographs from the Gold Rush to the present.
California State Indian Museum State Historic Park
2618 K Street, Old Sacramento
(916) 324-0971
Adjacent to Sutter’s Fort, self-guided tours provide an opportunity to celebrate the proud heritage of California Indian culture from the traditions of ancestors to contemporary Native artist.
Donald F. Salvatori CA Pharmacy Museum
4030 Lennane Drive, Sacramento
(916) 779-4526
Inspired by California’s rich history of pharmacy, the Donald F. Salvatori California Pharmacy Museum celebrates the role of the pharmacist in the promotion of health and well-being of Californians since the state’s inception in 1850.   A tour of the museum will take you through the late 1800s, through the 1940s, and the present.