Some of the following museums might be of interest. |
Leland Stanford Mansion State Historic Park 8th and N Streets, Sacramento (916) 324-0575 After a 14-year, $22 million restoration and rehabilitation, the Mansion is now open to the public as a museum. It also serves the citizens of California as the state’s official reception center for leaders from around the world. It is a stunning example of the splendor and elegance of the Victorian era in California. |
Aerospace Museum
of California 5934 Price Avenue (916) 643-3192 West off Watt Avenue onto Freedom Park Drive to museum on left. Formerly known as McClellan Aviation Museum, the Museum has over 30 military and civilian aircraft and a state-of-the-art Aviation Learning Center. Gift shop with aviation theme items. |
Foundry History Institute 5301 Price Avenue, McClellan Park 916-929-8001, 916-933-3062 Enter at Peacekeeper Way off Watt Avenue. Located at the Technikon facility. Foundries melt metal to make fire hydrants, water pipes, car engines... so come ring a trolley bell, work a water valve, see fascinating castings as well as film and photographs from the Gold Rush to the present. |
State Indian Museum State Historic Park 2618 K Street, Old Sacramento (916) 324-0971 Adjacent to Sutter’s Fort, self-guided tours provide an opportunity to celebrate the proud heritage of California Indian culture from the traditions of ancestors to contemporary Native artist. |
Donald F. Salvatori
CA Pharmacy Museum 4030 Lennane Drive, Sacramento (916) 779-4526 Inspired by California’s rich history of pharmacy, the Donald F. Salvatori California Pharmacy Museum celebrates the role of the pharmacist in the promotion of health and well-being of Californians since the state’s inception in 1850. A tour of the museum will take you through the late 1800s, through the 1940s, and the present. |