Camp Haswell Built in the 1930’s by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) using creek stone and mortar, the cabin has been a recreational spot as well as a Boy Scout cabin for the locals. We are partnering with residents in the Capay Valley to raise funds to replace the roof.

Spring Lake School on the Yolo County Fairgrounds (looked after by the YCHS) is available for visits from school groups (free of charge). Our wonderful and dependable schoolmarms and school masters welcome these class groups and introduce them to life as it was lived in the many one-room schoolhouses that dotted this county in 1890. Read more.

Joann Leach Larkey Historical Writing Project Funds are available to assist local writers who wish to publish historical works of Yolo County. Download the application form (Word format).



County Courthouse We would like very much for one of the courtrooms in the old building to become a living history setting for 8th, 10th and 12th grade history classes and English classes (imagine seeing the courtroom scene from To Kill a Mockingbird).

Acknowledgement of Historic Chinatown in Woodland along China Alley.

camp haswell photo

Camp Haswell

springlake school photos